Wertach in Bavaria is a great starting point for a tour

We are guests for a few days in the village of Wertach in Bavaria. The journey there was wonderful. The forests have put on a beautiful autumn plumage. The leaves of the beech, oak, birch and chestnut trees are a mixture of red-brown, light orange and bright yellow. The sun shines on it and makes the autumn colors even deeper. Wertach is a lovely village just at the beginning of the Alps. It is close to the town of Füssen, which we have passed through many times, but have never visited. So that’s going to happen this holiday. In addition, King Ludwig’s fairytale castle Neuschwanstein is a short distance away, as well as several lakes. We hope for good weather and will see it all.

To the apartment in Wertach (Germany)

After a sunny, colorful journey through an autumnal Germany we arrive in Wertach. The village is located on a hill. On the way to our apartment we have to take it easy, because a bunch of cows are blocking our way. Together with their supervisor they are on their way to the stable. After a steep climb we arrive at our holiday address above the village on the slope. Our hostess is a friendly woman of around seventy. Her daughter lives downstairs in the house and she lives with another daughter on her own farm, which is a hundred meters away. We can just see its roof.

The apartment in Wertach is spacious

The apartment is very spacious, but we immediately feel transported back in time about 40 years. Everything exudes the atmosphere of the 70s. From the orange tiles on the back wall of the kitchen to the yellow/brown sanitary facilities. However, everything is clean and well maintained. There are two small and one large bathroom, three bedrooms, a large kitchen, a small living room and a storage room.

A very spacious balcony

The balcony is wide and at the rear it extends into a terrace. We are above the village and look over the village and valley to the higher mountains of the Alps. The church tower is covered in scaffolding. All summer long, says our hostess. The church has been given a completely new copper roof.

Tasty German rolls for breakfast in Wertach

After dinner we sit on the balcony in the dark, wearing a jacket and a cup of hot chocolate, enjoying the lights of the village. It is not really cold and we have a beautiful view. The next morning there are some mist in the mountains. The weather is getting worse and that is already visible. Too bad, but we might as well make something of it. After breakfast with fresh German rolls and croissants, we prepare bread and coffee to take with you

Various lakes

There are several lakes in the area where many water sports are enjoyed. There you can walk and find a nice picnic spot. Close by is also the beautiful, white fairytale castle of King Ludwig, which is very photogenic against a mountain. The rest of the area must also have a lot to offer.

King Ludwig’s castle, Neuschwanstein, is being restored

We would actually like to visit King Ludwig’s castle, Neuschwanstein, but we can see from afar that it is completely covered in scaffolding. Shame. The beautiful white contours of the castle are completely hidden in the scaffolding material. The viewing will have to wait a little while, because we want to take some nice pictures of it. No worries. There is plenty to see in the area. We will come back another time.

Wertach is a good starting point for a tour through part of Bavaria

We drive through lovely villages with large, well-kept houses and beautiful gardens with autumn flowers. There is a lot of greenery to be seen in the villages. In many gardens we see an apple tree, often still loaded with beautiful red/green apples. The fields are bright green and apparently the cows are allowed to graze outside for a while after harvesting the last hay until winter sets in. There is nothing left to make. Via the Oberjoch we drive to the Tannheimertal, a beautiful, green valley where there are few houses and end up in Weisenbach in the Lechtal. From there we drive to Füssen, because if it rains tomorrow, it will certainly be less fun to visit that town there.

Füssen is a city worth seeing with history

Füssen is located on the Lech River, which flows from Austria close to Germany. The city walls of Füssen have been partially preserved, as well as a few city gates. That is always nice to see and immediately indicates the importance of the city in earlier times.

A huge castle of the bishops

From afar you will notice the enormous castle strategically placed on the high mountainside. The high castle, which towers above everything, was built by the bishops of Augsburg, who had received the city as collateral for a loan. However, the loan was never paid off. Just like the Benedictine abbey, the high castle also houses the tax authorities, among others.

A tour of the Benedictine monastery and the basilica

In addition to the Hohe Schloss, as the castle is called, a little lower on the hill is the Benedictine monastery that was built around 800. It is well maintained and now houses not only the town hall, but also a museum. Part of the complex is the Basilica of St. Mang. It is a beautiful, baroque building. The old town has many narrow streets.

Füssen was an important city

The large houses bear witness to a rich history. After all, Füssen was once a Roman trading fortress. No wonder, because the town was easily accessible via the Lech. However, Füssen is not only old and worth seeing, but also has a lively city center with a varied range of shops. The city is really worth a visit. We drink delicious hot chocolate on a terrace, because it is not very warm this October day. It is quite busy and we see many tourists walking past.

One of the many lakes in the area around Wertach and Füssen is the Forggensee

Anyone who loves water can indulge themselves at the foot of the Alps. After leaving Füssen we see one lake after another. We see the Grüntensee, Weiszensee, the Schwansee and the Hopfensee. Now that it is autumn, the sailing boats are of course literally under sail, but in the summer it is teeming with sailing boats, surfers and canoeists, and there is even a ferry on the Forggensee. No wonder, because the Forggensee is a very large reservoir, which is fed by the water of the Lech.

The Lech, which comes from the Lechtal in Austria, flows through the lake

The Lech even flows through it and a little further on it also feeds a second reservoir: the Premer Lechsee. The height difference is apparently enough to also power a power station. We get out at the Forggensee, clamber down a crumbly staircase and walk along the lake for a while. There are so many swans and ducks here! They also have enough space on a few islands in the middle of the lake to breed quietly in the spring. We look for a bench to eat our sandwiches, but at this time of year the benches are all very mossy and very damp. Well, the sandwich tastes good without a bench.

Take the lift up the mountain at Buching

We reach the village of Buching via the Bannwaldsee. We had never heard of the village, but along the way we suddenly discover a chairlift and above our heads we see parasailers. We’re past it before we know it, but we turn around and stop at the elevator. It is not expensive and we get in impulsively.


Upstairs at the restaurant, a group of parasailers appears to be receiving lessons in dismounting this afternoon. One after another gets ready to start and jumps from the top of the mountain. That’s nice! We see them land on a meadow below. We stand there watching for a while and then walk around the restaurant to the other side.

A child was momentarily in danger

There is a terrace there and parasailers are also active there, but on their own. This is clearly visible, because one of them is waiting for a good, rising wind, while a boy of about 6 years old is standing two meters away from him, watching with interest. When the parasailer jumps off, the child briefly catches itself in its ropes and is almost dragged along, but just falls onto solid ground. The bystanders are very frightened. We also. The child’s parents come running. They sat quietly on the terrace having a drink. We are happy that it ended well, but it could also have been a tragedy. You have to be careful. A little later we see the parents taking pictures of their child. They almost couldn’t have done that anymore.

The colorful autumn in Bavaria is incredibly beautiful

After another visit to the beautiful pilgrimage monastery in Wies (the Wieskirche), we drive via Steingaden to Lechbruck am See, where we cross the river Lech. Through green meadows and autumnal, colorful sunlit forests we drive back to our apartment in Wertach via Roszhaupten, Hitseleried, Tannenmühle and Nesselwang. It was a fantastic day. At our apartment we sit on the balcony for a while to watch the sunset. Thin streaks of fog drift through the valley. When the sun has set, it suddenly gets cold and we have to go inside. Well, it is autumn after all! Back home tomorrow. We’re going to pack.

read more

  • The Wieskirche” is a church with a wonderful history
  • An interesting trip from Bavaria to St. Gallen
Updated: 9 May 2024 — 15:25