Advice on an 8-day tour in Jordan

Jordan is a beautiful country to visit. Not only because of the rich history of the country, but also because of the extremely hospitable people. Jordan is very suitable to visit on your own, but it is important to know which sites are worth seeing. This article provides travel advice for people who want to visit Jordan on their own in eight days. What should you definitely not miss if you make a short trip to Jordan and how can you best plan your trip?

Why Jordan

This is an important question to answer as the answer to this question will determine whether you consider Jordan worth it. There are two important archaeological sites that you must see. The first is Jerash in the north of Jordan, the largest Roman ruined city outside Italy. The second is Petra in southern Jordan, the Nabataean city carved out of the rock. Petra is one of the new” wonders of the world and if you come to see just one thing in the Middle East

Updated: 11 May 2024 — 07:19