View of the Cathedral in Cologne

In the German city of Cologne, there is a cathedral known as Cologne Cathedral, or Dom St. Peter und Maria. This beautiful building is a feast for the eyes, both on the inside and outside. It is also the main church of the Archdiocese of Cologne. This cathedral is the largest in Germany and one of the largest in Europe.


The fact that the Cathedral is not just any Gothic building is evident from the fact that its construction ultimately took 632 years. Construction started in the year 1248 and eventually the towers reached a height of 157 meters, each containing 509 steps. The cathedral is 144 meters long and 86 meters wide and is built in the traditional cross shape. Since 1996, the Cathedral has been included on the World Heritage List.


The Relics / Source: Paul Hermans, Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA-3.0) In 1164, the Relics of the Three Kings were brought to Cologne by order of the Cologne Archbishop Tainald von Dassel. This made the cathedral one of the most important pilgrim churches and attracted many visitors from various parts of religious Europe. This shrine is said to contain the remains of the three Wise Men from the East.


Unfortunately, Cologne Cathedral also suffered damage during the Second World War. Despite this, the basilica has largely been restored to its original state.

Various facts

Source: United States Library of Congress’s Prints and Photographs division, Wikimedia Commons (Public domain) Cologne was captured by French revolutionaries in 1794. The archbishop at that time fled from his city and the cathedral was not even used for several years. It seems somewhat unimaginable, but the Cathedral was used as a department store for some time, until the cathedral was put into use as a church again, around 1801. The use of the cathedral for things other than church was not a good idea. the proud Cologne residents and in 1842 the (re)construction of the Cathedral was resumed. After all, the original drawings were found again in 1814 and after various fundraising, construction could be resumed. The transept was completed in 1864 and the towers with the large bells (24,000 kg each) were completed in 1880. You can enter the towers via the stairs, which each have 509 steps.

Other sights in Cologne

  • Altstadt: This historic part of the city is also the oldest part of the city. Of course there are many shops, terraces and restaurants here for a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Groß St. Martin: Like any large city, Cologne also has several churches other than just the Cathedral. The Romanesque church of St. Martin is definitely worth a visit. It is mainly notable for its corner towers.
  • Rathaus: Or the city hall of Cologne. This historic building was built between 1407-1414.
  • Hohenzollernbrücke: This is the railway bridge over the River Rhine.
  • Farina-Haus: Who doesn’t know the famous Eau de Cologne. This building houses a museum and perfumery, where you can learn everything about this famous fragrance.


Student city

Cologne is also known for its High Schools and Universities, home to more than 70,000 students. In the city center, students often live in studios and rooms, but also with host families. This last option contributes to the students’ learning the German language. Students often use the well-organized public transport in this city.

Updated: 19 May 2024 — 03:28