Historium Bruges: a museum that stimulates all the senses!

A new museum that will open on November 25, 2012 in the Venice of the North: Historium Brugge. Walk through seven rooms and discover medieval Bruges in 3D with an exciting love story as the common thread. Everything starts at the Bruges quays and ends in Jan Van Eyck’s studio. During the walk all your senses are stimulated.

Historium Bruges

On November 25, 2012, Bruges will unveil a brand new museum: Historium Brugge. Historium Brugge takes you to Medieval Bruges in 1435. Not the Dark Middle Ages, but the Golden Age, with flourishing trade practices and great artists. In Historium Brugge you walk through seven themed rooms and the common thread is a romantic love story.

The story

Jan van Eyck is working on the painting The Madonna with Canon Van der Paele”. Jacob has to pick up two more characters for his master: the beautiful Anna

Updated: 19 May 2024 — 15:32