More snow and ice fun

When the weathermen and women of the Netherlands announce the possibility of ice, the skates are already removed from the grease and the ice masters of the Elfstedentocht are dragged in front of the camera. In fact, we know it doesn’t make sense, because nothing is as changeable as the weather. Yet hoping and thinking about being able to skate is something that concerns many Dutch people.


For many people, the idea of a nice layer of ice and/or a lot of snow is something they can enjoy. It is comparable to a children’s birthday or Christmas Eve, the children can get excited about it days in advance. People are busy with the data and that is fun. The television programs respond to this and that is good for the viewing figures.
You would say everyone is happy, but that is not entirely true. Ice and snow can completely paralyze traffic, which is of no use in the Netherlands anyway. Then public transport is not an alternative, because the track is snow-covered and the bus also gets stuck in the snow or ice. Employees who do not show up or show up much too late is bad for the economy, because it costs companies money.

Overall image

But overall, snow and ice still give a cozy feeling. Nice and well dressed outside in the cold and cozy inside with a heater and mountains of pillows. The only thing that is a little strange is that we are so traditional in our outdoor fun. This, while in other sports we try everything and do not hesitate to come up with something ourselves.

Traditional snow and ice fun

If you are looking for traditional snow and ice fun, you must dress properly. The wilder the more protection, such as elbow and knee pads, possibly a special helmet and always good shoes (skates) and gloves.
When going outside with the sled, it is useful if there is a nice layer of snow. Be careful when skating on natural ice that is not monitored, as the layer must be thick enough. Where a canal with possibly still moving water must have a thicker layer of ice than a flooded field. The status of the various waters is often indicated locally. Follow this news.

In a hole, what now?

If you accidentally overlook a hole and end up in it, there are a few things you should pay attention to:

  • Try to stay calm, no matter how difficult it is. After all, the water is deathly cold and you want to get out. Panic just doesn’t get you anything.
  • The next thing is to try to get to the edge of the hole.
  • Spread your arms as much as possible, this distributes your body weight best.
  • Then try to get your stomach onto the ice (this may take a few tries).
  • If this doesn’t work, you can also try to get onto the ice from your back, but for most people this is more difficult than from your stomach.
  • If you try to get out of the hole using your back, see if you can push your skates against the other side of the hole.
  • Push yourself up by arching your back.
  • If you can, it is good to roll directly onto your side.

You don’t want to think about it, but you can even end up under the ice if you haven’t seen the hole or thin piece of ice. What to do?

  • Again, panic can cloud your logical reasoning, so try to focus when you’re in danger of panicking.
  • Look for a light spot under the ice, because ice with snow on it or minimal ice sludge makes an open area lighter.
  • Swim towards it on your back, using your feet to move forward and your hands to find the open spot in the hole.

Finally, you may also have to help someone else and only do this if you are confident and have something with you (for example a scarf). You can throw this as far as possible so that the man or woman in the hole can grab the end and you can pull him or her out. Don’t get too close to the hole, there is a chance that the ice will break off and you will end up in the water.

Other snow and ice fun

But if you think of something else to have fun on the snow or ice, there are countless options. You can try out all kinds of things, especially in the forest.

  • With snow you can also go to the forest or heath and make something beautiful from snow and what you can get from nature. Think of the traditional snowman, but with a branch as a broom, acorns as eyes and a folded fallen leaf bent into a mouth. You can bend some pine branches into a cap or hat or stick them loosely on the ball to give the snowman hair.
  • Make a game of counting the different types of feet of the animals in the forest (birds, deer, foxes, badgers, mice, rabbits) that are easy to recognize in the fresh snow.
  • If you are in a slightly hilly area on the Veluwe, in southern Limburg or a sturdy dune along the sea, you can make a beautiful slide. You can use this for the sled or a board. If the track is nice and worn out and smooth, you can also get off on your own. Alone or together with a small child.
  • If there is a thick layer of ice on the lake, you can also make a hole and go ice fishing.
  • A party in the snow is great. Make sure you have a good patio heater, a bit of a roof is useful, possibly a cozy fire pit and a nice barbecue. With or without alcohol you can have a different party outside than normal.
  • Collecting all kinds of things in the forest with children and making something beautiful out of them at the garden table is also possible. Nicely dressed and possibly a patio heater for support and the children can get started. Quite different from sitting at the kitchen table!
  • Track hunting in the forest is also an excellent option in snowy conditions. In addition to leaving unobtrusive recognition in the forest, footprints can also go a long way.
  • Go for a nice walk in the snow and take a camera with you. By taking photos during your trip you – unconsciously – see things differently.



Depending on how action-oriented an activity in the snow or on the ice should be and where you move or where you want to drive, there are countless possibilities. Seek out nature and the possibilities are in front of you.

Updated: 26 May 2024 — 11:38